An Open Source Hardware Sensor Network for the Rest of Us
Pinoccio is an open source, wireless hardware platform for makers. Pinoccio boards are cheap, wireless, and can run for weeks — even months — on a single charge. They can communicate with one another, and can connect to the Web via a “boss” board. Attach a couple of sensors, combine it with your latest MakerBot project, and you’ve got yourself an Internet of Things!
About Eric Jennings
Eric Jennings is the co-founder of Bean Labs, having previously worked with Singly and is a TechStars NYC alum. He’s into hacking hardware, software, music, the brain, and theagora.
About Sally Carson
Sally is a co-Founder of Bean Labs. She’s User Experience Designer and Yahoo! alum. Sally is currently writing a graphic novel about her experiences as a NYC bike messenger just after 9/11. It’s called The Skids.