2012 Speaker Lineup

by dustyn on July 23, 2012

First of all, a huge thank you to everyone that submitted talks, demos, and posters. We received an overwhelming number of submissions, and have been working hard to schedule an amazing day for everyone that will attend. Another big thank you to our ~60 reviewers! All notifications of acceptance have gone out. The quality of the submissions made our jobs very hard, but remember if your talk wasn’t accepted, you have the option of resubmitting as a poster or demo by 5pm EST July 31st. Now, without further ado, we’re thrilled to announce the OHS 2012 speaker lineup:

Chris Anderson – Microeconomics for Makers: Business Models for the New Industrial Revolution

Big Picture, Big Ideas
Dale Dougherty – Makerspaces in Schools and Communities
Leah Buechley – Empowerment and Open Source Hardware
Akiba – Humanitarian Open Source Hardware
Michael Weinberg – How Hardware Is Helping Save Open in DC
Ayah Bdeir – Breaking Open Our Education

Community & Education
Shannon Dosemagen & Liz Barry – Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science: Supporting Community Advocacy
Jim Burke – The Power Racing Series: How Open Competition and Hackerspaces Inspire the Public
Katherine Moriwaki, Louisa Campbell, Jonah Brucker-Cohen, Joseph Saavedra, Liza Stark – Scrapyard Challenge Jr.: A low-cost, reduced feature-set platform utilizing open hardware for experimenting with electricity and materials through creating sound
Paulo Blikstein – The FabLab@School Project: Digital Fabrication for the Other 99%
Sylvia Todd & Joey Hudy – Why Open Hardware is Super-Awesome for Kids

Hardware & Materials
Dominic Muren – Free As In Dirt: Why Matter Matters for Open Hardware
Erin Kennedy – Sharing the Inspiration with Robot Kits!
Pat Delany – Multimachine: A $150 Lathe/Mill/Drill made of Concrete and Scrap Metal
Josef Prusa – The Art of RepRap Breeding

Legal & Licensing
Andrew Katz & Myriam Ayass – Open Hardware Licensing: Why? How?
David Carrier – Finding the Limits of Open Hardware: Examples and End Cases
Kipp Bradford – Patents 3.0: How to fix American Innovation

Business & Manufacturing
Marco Perry – Going from a Heavy IP World (patent everything!) to an Open Hardware World
Amanda Wozniak – Hands on Design for Hardware: A Primer on Manufacturing and Ethnography of Use
Mike Hord – Agency Compliance and You: An Introduction for Small Manufacturers of OSHW
Ian Lesnet – A Sketchy History: USB and Open Hardware
Justin Shaw & Anool J M – WyoLum Sweat Equity
Bre Pettis – Challenges of Open Source Consumer Products

New Frontiers
Greg Gage – Backyard Brains: Improving the Understanding of the Brain Through Open Source Neurotechnology
Russell Neches & Meg Pirrung – An Open Laboratory for Microbial Ecology
Jordan Miller – Sweet Science: 3D Printed Sugar Templates for Regenerative Medicine
John Nicol – Makerplane
Stephen Murphey – Open Sourcing the Final Frontier

Art & Design
Valรฉrie Lamontagne – Open Wearables
Hannah Perner-Wilson – A Kit-of-No-Parts
Chris Novello – illucia dtr

Closing Remarks
Alicia Gibb – The Open Source Hardware Association

Open Hardware Celebration
Dessert will be provided along with beer from Brooklyn Brewery, wine, and other surprises. Posters and demos will be on display, and there will be particular areas and times allotted for discussion groups on specific topics.

The list of poster presentations and demos will be added soon.

Stay tuned for ticket sales!

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