We’re excited to announce that Maker Faire, long time supporter of the Open Hardware Summit, will be including 1 one-day complimentary ticket to World Maker Faire New York in the Open Hardware Summit goodie bag, as well as discount codes for family and friends! As many people are familiar with Maker Faire in this crowd, we think you’ll be excited too. If you aren’t familiar with it, here’s a little taste of what it’s like:
World Maker Faire New York – 3rd Annual. We like to call it the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth!
Produced by the folks who bring you MAKE magazine, Maker Faire celebrates things people create themselves — from rockets and robots, to DIY science and technology, to sustainable foods and upcycled clothes.
There will be over 500 Makers and Maker organizations participating and showcasing their projects. The festival is expected to draw over 40,000 attendees from across the state, the country, and around the world.
Saturday, September 29th – from 10am – 7pm
Sunday, September 30th – from 10am – 6pm
New York Hall of Science (NYSCI)
47-01 111th Street
Queens, NY 11368-2950
If you haven’t been to Maker Faire, it’s a very a prominent and important part of the DIY movement and has a lot of overlap with open source hardware. You can check out other Maker Faires locations on the Maker Faire website: makerfaire.com
We hope you’ll take advantage of the complimentary ticket and further support the DIY / Maker movement. The fabulous people on the Maker Faire crew have given the Summit a large amount of support in the past and continue to do so. We even scheduled the Open Hardware Summit two days before Maker Faire this year again even though it is not co-located, since we know how many amazing people they attract. We are honored to be part of this community, standing on the shoulders of giants. We couldn’t do it without you! Also check out their extended Call for Makers and the Early Bird Tickets deal!
Call for Makers
Makers, tinkerers, innovators and hobby enthusiasts still have the opportunity to show their stuff at World Maker Faire. The Call for Makers has been extended to August 24, 2012. Visit http://makerfaire.com/newyork/2012/callformakers/index.html to learn more about how to submit.
Early Bird Tickets
If you need more than 1 one-day pass make sure to take advantage of the early bird offering: http://makerfairenyc.eventbrite.com
More info about this year’s World Maker Faire here.